Patriot America Plus Travel Medical Insurance Plan Information And Benefits

Patriot America Plus Insurance
Patriot America Plus Insurance

Patriot America Plus insurance is a travel medical insurance plan by IMG (International Medical Group) for non-US residents traveling to the United States, ideal for traveling outside your home country.

The plan provides medical coverage and other travel and emergency services for visitors to the United States. Patriot America Plus is ideal for non-US residents who are in need of temporary medical insurance coverage while traveling to the U.S. from their home country.

The plan addresses the insurance needs of non-US residents while traveling to the U.S. (travel could either be for business or just pleasure).

To meet your global travel needs the Patriot America Plus offers excellent comprehensive benefits and services and offers a complete package of international benefits 24 hours a day.

Patriot America Plus
Patriot America Plus Features

Insured has access to:

  • 24-hour access to highly qualified coordinators (emergency medical services & international treatment)
  • International, multilingual customer service centers
  • Claim administrators (to process the claims worldwide in every language and currency)

The plan is available to:

The plan provides:

  • Range of policy maximum options
  • Deductible options

Patriot America Plus Is Best For

  • Parents visiting USA
  • Non-U.S. residents visiting USA
  • U.S. Citizens living abroad and visiting the USA
  • Green card holders in the U.S. (as long as their primary residence is outside the U.S.)
  • Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions

You can get visitors insurance for parents if they are visiting the USA.

Travel Insurance for Parents Visiting USA
Travel Insurance for Parents Visiting USA

IMG Patriot America Plus Overview

Plan Name Patriot America Plus
Type Of InsuranceTravel Medical Insurance
Plan TypeComprehensive Coverage
Area Of CoverageWorldwide (Excluding Insured Person’s Country Of Residence)
Coverage Duration5 days To 12 months
Minimum Age for Coverage14 Days
Pre-Existing ConditionsNot Covered
Acute Onset Of Pre-Existing ConditionsCovered
PPO NetworkUnited Healthcare PPO Network
ExtendableYes (Up To 2 years Of Continuous Coverage)
Terrorism Coverage$50,000 (Maximum Limit)
COVID-19Covered (Up To Medical Maximum)
Adventure Sports RiderYes (Up To The Age Of 65 years Old)
A.M. Best RatingA
Administered ByInternational Medical Group (IMG)
Underwritten BySiriuspoint Specialty Insurance Corporation

What Is Travel Medical Insurance?

Travel medical insurance is temporary coverage for medical expenses and emergency evacuations when traveling outside of your home country.

There are differences between Travel Medical Insurance and Trip Insurance.

Plan Summary

Patriot America Plus Plan Summary
Patriot America Plus Plan Summary
  • Type of Insurance: Travel Medical Insurance
  • Maximum Limits: $50,000, $1,000,000, $500,000, $1,000,000
  • Deductible Options: $0, $100, $250, 500, $1,000, $2,500
  • Coinsurance for Treatment Received in the United States:
    • In the PPO network: The company pays 100%
    • Out of the PPO network: Company pays 80% of eligible expenses up to $5,000, then 100%
  • Period of Coverage: 5 days up to 12 months
  • Renewable: for up to 24 months

Patriot Plus Plan Details

Coverage Limit/Maximum Amount for Eligible medical expenses

  • Medical coverage for unexpected illnesses and accidents up to the policy maximum
  • Maximum limits from $50,000 to $1,000,000
  • Period of coverage limit:
    • Through age 65: $50,000, $100,000, $500,000 or $1,000,000
    • Ages 65 to 69: $50,000, $100,000
    • Ages 70 to 79: $50,000
    • Ages 80 and Older: $10,000
  • Emergency medical evacuation coverage up to 1,000,000
  • Acute onset of pre-existing conditions coverage
  • Includes inpatient and outpatient services, emergency services, other services
  • Area of Coverage: Worldwide (excluding insured persons country of residence)

Plan Features And Benefits

Deductible For Eligible Medical Expenses

Deductible: $0, $100, $250, %00, $1,000, or $2,500 per insured person

Coinsurance For Eligible Medical Expenses


  • Plan Pays 100%
  • Insured Pays 0%


  • Plan Pays 100%
  • Insured Pays 20%


  • Plan Pays 100%
  • Insured Pays 0%

Out-of-Pocket Maximum

In-Network: $0

Out-of-Network: $1,000

International: $0

Patriot America Plus Highlights

Patriot America Plus Plan Highlights
Patriot America Plus Plan Highlights
  • Medical coverage for unexpected illnesses and accidents up to policy maximum
  • Coverage for Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Maximum limits from $50,000 to $1,000,000
  • Emergency medical evacuation coverage up to $1,000,000
  • Short-term travel medical coverage
  • For individuals, families, groups, dependents
  • For coverage inside the United States
  • Seek treatment from the hospital or doctor of your choice
  • COVID-19 coverage for travelers to the United States

Key Features Patriot America Plus

Patriot America Plus Key Features
Patriot America Plus Key Features
  • Maximum limit: Up to $1,000,000
  • Emergency medical evacuation: $1,000,000
  • Deductible: $0 to $2,500
  • Extensions: 24 Months
  • Coinsurance (In Network): 100%
  • Coinsurance (Out of Network): 80% Up to $5,000, then 100%
  • Acute Onset of Pre Existing Conditions: covered
  • COVID-19 coverage: Up to policy maximum limit if contracted & treatment is provided after the policy effective date

Patriot America Plus Eligibility

In order to be eligible and qualified for Patriot America Plus Insurance coverage a person must meet all of the following requirements

  • Must have completed and signed an application
  • Must have paid the required premium on or before the effective date of coverage
  • Must have received written acceptance of application, renewal, or extension from the company
  • On the effective date and on subsequent renewal dates must have:
    • Legally departed the country of residence, and
    • Legally entered the destination country
  • Must not have established a permanent residency in the destination country
  • Individuals must be at least 14 (fourteen) days old
  • For Non us residents traveling to the U.S.
  • If 65 years of age visiting the USA
    • The initial period of coverage must begin within 30 days of arrival in the United States
    • This requirement will be waived if you have proof of previous valid international travel insurance
    • Prior U.S. domestic healthcare coverage does not meet this eligibility

Patriot America Plus Condition Of Coverage

  • Coverage under this plan is secondary to any other coverage
  • Coverage and benefits are for medically necessary, usual, reasonable, and customary charges only
  • Charges must be administered or ordered by a physician
  • Charges must be incurred during the period of coverage or benefit period
  • Coverage and benefits are subject to the deductible and coinsurance, and all terms of the certificate of insurance and master policy
  • Claims must be presented to IMG for payment within 90 days from the date the claim was incurred

Coverage And Benefits Offered By Patriot America Plus Insurance

  • Inpatient and Outpatient Services such as emergency room, intensive care, urgent care, physician visits
  • Emergency Services such as local ambulance, return of mortal remains, natural disaster evacuation, return of minor child
  • Other Services like lost luggage, identity theft, prescription medication, pet return, dental treatment, emergency eye exam, accidental death, and dismemberment
  • Emergency medical evacuation for emergency life-threatening medical emergency
Patriot America Plus Plan Information
Patriot America Plus Plan Information
  • Maximum Limits: Up to $1,000,000
  • Individual Deductible Options: $0 to 2,500
  • Extensions: Up to 24 continuous months
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation: $1,000,000
  • Co-insurance for treatment received in the U.S.:
    • In the PPO Network: 100% Up to the maximum limit
    • Out of the PPO network: 80% of eligible expenses Up to $5,000, then 100%
  • COVID-19/SARS-COV-2 Coverage: Considered and treated the same as any other illness or injury (if contracted and treated after the policy effective date)
  • Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions: Up to maximum limit
    • Must be under 70 years of age
    • $25,000 maximum limit for medical evacuation

Medical Benefits

Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
  • Home Nursing Care: Up to the maximum limit
    • Upon direct transfer from an acute care facility
  • Hospital Indemnity: $250 per overnight confinement
    • Maximum limit: 10 overnights
    • Not subject to deductible
  • Intensive Care: Up to the overall maximum limit
  • Radiology/X-ray: Up to the maximum limit
  • Supplemental Accidental Benefit: $300 per covered accident

Prescription Drugs and Medication: Up to the plan maximum limit

  • May not exceed $250,000
  • Dispensing limit per prescription 90 days
Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
  • Hospital Emergency Room: Inside the U.S.
    • Injury not subject to emergency room deductible
    • Illness: Subject to a $250 deductible for each emergency room visit for treatment that does not result in direct inpatient hospital admission. Up to the maximum limit
  • Hospital Emergency Room: Outside the U.S.
    • Up to the maximum limit
  • Assistant Surgeon: 20% of the primary surgeon’s eligible fee
  • Bedside Visit (hospitalized in an intensive care unit): $1,500 Maximum Limit
    • Not subject to deductible

More Benefits

Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
  • Outpatient Surgical/Hospital Facility: Up to the maximum limit
  • Laboratory: Up to the maximum limit
  • Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy: Up to the maximum limit
  • Pre-Admission Testing: Up to the maximum limit
  • Reconstructive Surgery: Up to the maximum limit
  • Anesthesia: Up to the maximum limit
  • Chiropractic Care: Up to the maximum limit
  • Extended Care Facility: Up to the maximum limit
  • Surgery: Up to the maximum limit
Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
  • Interfacility Ambulance Transfer: IMG pays 100%
    • Transfer from one licensed healthcare facility to another healthcare facility resulting in an inpatient hospital admission
  • Emergency Eye Examination: Loss or damage to prescription corrective lenses due to an accident
    • $150 maximum limit
    • $50 deductible per occurrence
    • Subject to coinsurance
  • Hospitalization/Room and Board: Average semi-private rate up to the maximum limit.
    • Includes nursing service
Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
Patriot America Plus Medical Benefits
  • Urgent Care Clinic: $25 copay
    • A copay is not applicable when a $0 deductible is selected
    • Not subject to deductible
  • Walk-in Clinic: $15 copay
    • A copay is not applicable when a $0 deductible is selected
    • Not subject to deductible
  • Eligible Medical Expenses: Up to the maximum limit
  • COVID_19/SARS-Cov-2 Coverage: Same as any other illness or injury
  • Physical Therapy: Up to the maximum limit
  • Physician Visits/Services: Up to the maximum limit

Prescription Drugs And Medication Details

Patriot America Plus Prescription Drugs And Medication Details
Patriot America Plus Prescription Drugs And Medication Details

Is available for medically necessary prescriptions obtained through

  • Retail pharmacy
  • Inpatient and outpatient surgery
  • Emergency room
  • Outpatient office visits

The dispensing maximum limit for retail pharmacies is 90 days per prescription

If the certificate of insurance maximum limit is $10,000, $50,000, or $100,000

  • The prescription drugs and medications limit is up to the plan maximum limit

If the certificate of insurance maximum limit is $500,000 or $100,000

  • The prescription drugs and medications limit is up to $250,000 per period of coverage

Know about the rules you need to comply with before you travel with your prescription medicine into the U.S.

Also, be well-versed with a checklist for essential documents before traveling internationally.

Evacuation Benefits

Patriot America Plus Evacuation Benefits
Patriot America Plus Evacuation Benefits
  • Emergency Local Ambulance: Up to the maximum limit
    • Subject to deductible and coinsurance
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation: $1,000,000 maximum limit
    • Not subject to deductible
    • Must be approved in advance by the company
  • Political Evacuation and Repatriation: $1,000,000 maximum limit
    • Not subject to deductible
    • Must be approved in advance by the company
  • Return of Minor Children: $100,000 maximum limit
    • Not subject to deductible
    • Must be approved in advance by the company
  • Emergency Reunion: $100,000 maximum limit
    • Not subject to deductible
Patriot America Plus Evacuation Benefits
Patriot America Plus Evacuation Benefits
  • Return of Mortal Remains:
    • Up to maximum limit for return of mortal remains or ashes to the country of residence
    • $5,000 maximum limit for cremation or local burial at the place of death
      • Not subject to deductible
      • Must be approved in advance by the company
  • Remote Transportation: $5,000 per period
    • $20,000-lifetime maximum
  • Natural Disaster Evacuation: $25,000 maximum limit
    • Not subject to deductible
    • Must be approved in advance by the company

Trip Protection

Patriot America Plus Evacuation Benefits
Patriot America Plus Evacuation Benefits
  • Natural Disaster: $250per day & maximum limit of five (5) days for accommodations
    • Not subject to deductible
  • Small Pet Common Air Carrier Accidental Death Benefit: $500 (maximum limit)
    • Not subject to deductible
  • Identity Theft: $500 maximum limit
    • Not subject to deductible
  • Terrorism: $50,000 (maximum limit)
    • Not subject to deductible
  • Return Travel: $10,000 (maximum limit)
    • Not subject to deductible
  • Lost Luggage: $50 per item
    • $500 maximum limit
    • Not subject to deductible

Pre-Existing Condition Coverage

It is important to note that pre-existing conditions that are not considered acute onset are not covered by Patriot America Plus insurance

Charges resulting directly or indirectly from or relating to any Pre-Existing Condition are excluded from coverage under this insurance

Acute Onset Of Pre-Existing Conditions

Patriot America Plus Trip Protection
Patriot America Plus Trip Protection

Patriot America Plus covers the Acute Onset Of Pre-Existing Conditions up to the policy maximum for insured below the age of 70 years.

The insured person will be reimbursed for eligible medical expenses incurred during the period of coverage with respect to the Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Condition:

  • If the person suffers or experiences an Acute Onset Of A Pre-Existing Condition during the period of coverage
  • which requires urgent medical care to stabilize the Pre-Existing Condition

To be eligible for the coverage and benefits:

  • Treatment is to be obtained within 24 hours of the sudden and unexpected outbreak or recurrence
  • The insured person needs to be under 70 years of age
  • The insured person must be traveling outside their country of residence
  • The insured person must not be traveling with the intent of obtaining treatment for a Pre-Existing Condition
  • The insured person must not be traveling against the advice of a physician or other healthcare provider
  • The Pre-Existing Condition must have been stabilized for at least 30 days prior to the effective date without a change in treatment

Dental Benefits

Patriot America Plus Dental Benefits
Patriot America Plus Dental Benefits
  • Dental Treatment: $300 maximum limit due to dental accident or unexpected pain to sound natural teeth
    • Subject to deductible and coinsurance
  • Traumatic Dental Injury (treatment at a hospital due to an accident):
    • Up to the maximum limit
    • Additional treatment for the same injury rendered by the dental provider will be paid at 100%
    • Subject to deductible and coinsurance

Additional Benefits – Accidental Death And Dismemberment Benefits

Patriot America Plus Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefits
Patriot America Plus Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefits
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D): $50,000 principal sum
    • Not subject to deductible
    • Death must occur within 90 days of the accident

Additional Benefits

Patriot America Plus Common Carrier Accidental Death
Patriot America Plus Common Carrier Accidental Death
  • Common Carrier Accidental Death:
    • $25,000 per insured child
    • $100,000 per insured adult
    • $250,000 maximum limit per family
    • Not subject to deductible and coinsurance
  • Durable Medical Equipment: Up to the maximum limit
  • Pet Return: $1,000 maximum limit
    • Not subject to deductible
Patriot America Plus Personal Liability
Patriot America Plus Personal Liability
  • Personal Liability: $25,000 combined maximum limit
    • Injury to a third person: $100 per injury deductible
    • Damage to a third person property: $100 per damage deductible
    • No coverage for injury to a related third party or damage to a related third party’s property

Out Of Network

Out-of-network coverage for Patriot America Plus insurance is available, but coinsurance rates may vary depending on the plan

Coinsurance for in-network services is 100%, while coinsurance for out-of-network services ranges from 80% up to $5,000 to 90% up to $5,000, depending on the plan

Why Patriot America Plus Insurance Is Best For Visitors?

Patriot America Plus insurance is considered one of the best options for visitors to the USA due to the following reasons:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Patriot America Plus insurance provides comprehensive medical coverage for:
  • International Benefits: The plan offers a complete package of international benefits available 24 hours a day to individuals, families, and groups of five or more travelers
  • COVID-19 Coverage: Patriot America Plus insurance offers COVID-19 coverage, including Acute Onset Of Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Affordable: Patriot America Plus insurance offers a range of plan maximum limits and deductible options, making it an affordable option for visitors to the USA
  • Flexible: Patriot America Plus insurance is available for a minimum of 5 days up to a maximum of two years, providing flexibility in terms of policy duration
  • Easy to Purchase: Patriot America Plus insurance can be purchased online, making it easy and convenient for visitors to obtain coverage
  • Highly Rated: Patriot America Plus insurance is underwritten by SiriusPoint and is rated A- “Excellent” by A.M. Best
  • Optional Coverage Benefits Riders: Optional riders are available for
    • Adventure Sports (up to age 65 years)
    • Enhanced AD&D (Individuals only)
    • Evacuation Plus and Chaperon/Faculty leader (Groups only)

Overall, Patriot America Plus insurance is an ideal option for non-U.S. residents who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure to the United States. It offers comprehensive coverage, flexibility, affordability, and ease of purchase, making it a popular choice among visitors to the USA

How To Purchase Patriot America Plus Plan?

Follow these steps to purchase the Patriot America Plus plan:

Needed to purchase a plan:

  • Name of person(s) to be insured
  • Coverage Dates
  • Date of Birth
  • Payment Card


  1. Visit the official website of the insurance provider or a trusted insurance marketplace
  2. Provide the travel dates and passport details of the traveler
  3. Choose the plan option that best suits your needs (policy maximum, deductible, & coinsurance)
  4. Enter the names and birth dates of all insured individuals
  5. Provide payment card information to pay for the insurance premium
  6. Review the policy details and terms and conditions before purchasing
  7. Complete the purchase process and receive the policy documents via email

If you have questions or need more information related to the plan you are considering buying, always reach out to the customer service team of the insurance provider, they will be able to address your specific questions.

Does Patriot America Plus Plan Use A PPO Network

  • Yes, Patriot America Plus insurance uses a PPO network for medical services
  • The PPO provider for Patriot America Plus Insurance is United Healthcare
  • United Healthcare PPO network has an extensive network of healthcare providers across the USA

Patriot America Plus Insurance Cost

  • The cost of Patriot America Plus insurance varies depending on several factors, including the age of the traveler, the length of insurance coverage, the plan limit, and the deductible
  • Plan Limit:
    • The higher the policy maximum the higher your premium
    • You have the choice to choose the policy maximum of $50,000, $100,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000, For a person above 80 years old $10,000
  • Deductible Amount:
    • The higher the deductible is chosen lower the premium amount
    • You have a choice to choose a deductible of $0, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or $2,500
  • Age:
    • The higher the age the higher the premium, The cost of the premium increases with the age
    • The plan is available for ages minimum of 14 days to 99 years old
  • Duration of Coverage:
    • Premium is based on daily and monthly rates hence, the number of days higher the cost
    • The plan can be bought for a minimum of 5 days up to a maximum of 12 months

Patriot America Plus insurance is available for different age groups, the premium ranges from $118 to $234 for travelers aged 50 to 79 years

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Rx Discount Savings Card Is Available Upon Purchase

Upon purchasing the Patriot America Plus plan, you will receive a Universal RX discount savings card. This discount savings program is available to every insured individual of the Patriot America Plus plan

The Universal RX discount savings card allows cardholders to purchase prescriptions at discounted rates from one of the participating pharmacies in the U.S.

The program provides access to a network of 35,000 participating pharmacies

Patriot America Plus Adventure Sports Rider

The adventure sports rider provides coverage for injuries sustained during certain extreme sports, Coverage benefits are as follows:

  • For aged 0 to 49 years: $50,000
  • For aged 50 to 59 years: $30,000
  • For aged 60 to 64: $15,000

Patriot Travel insurance

Patriot travel has both

  • Patriot America Plus for worldwide coverage – Including USA
  • Patriot International for worldwide coverage – Excluding USA

Other similar plans you can consider are:

Compare Travel Insurance Plans

Patriot America Plus Renewal Of Coverage

The Coverage can be renewed for a total of up to 2 years:

  • Unless there is a break in the coverage
  • If initially the plan is purchased for a minimum of 5 days

Renewals are available for a whole month or in daily increments. Renewals can be completed online. Additional processing fees of $5 are charged for each renewal of less than one month completed online. Each insured person is to satisfy one deductible and coinsurance within each 12-month coverage period

Patriot America Plus Cancellation And Refund Policy

For cancellation and refund of your premium,

Submit a written request prior to your plan effective date to qualify to receive a full refund of the premium paid

For cancellation after your plan’s effective date, if no claims have been filed with IMG, the following conditions apply for a premium refund:

  • You are required to pay a $50 cancellation fee
  • Only premiums covering the time period after cancellation are refunded
  • If a claim is already filed with the company, your premium is nonrefundable


Patriot America Plus insurance is an ideal option for non-U.S. residents who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure to the United States. It offers comprehensive coverage, flexibility, affordability, and ease of purchase, making it a popular choice among visitors to the USA.